Internal family systems (IFS)


Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a powerful subconscious healing modality that recognizes that us has different sub-personalities or “parts,” each with its own perspectives, motivations, and emotions. These parts, shaped particularly by experiences and traumas throughout our lives, often in our formative years, carry burdens or adopt roles that create enduring patterns, beliefs, or behaviors that may not serve our well-being.

Within IFS, there are three general types of parts:

  1. Exiles who carry the emotional burdens from past traumas

    (examples: parts that feel deeply unworthy or unlovable, parts afraid of rejection or abandonment)

  2. Managers who work to maintain control and order to protect us from pain

    (examples: people pleasing parts, inner critic parts, social anxiety parts)

  3. Firefighters who react intensely to divert attention away from discomfort when exiled burdens threaten to surface

    (examples: parts that use substances to numb or self-soothe, self-harming parts, explosive/lashing out parts, dissociative parts)

In addition to these parts, IFS recognizes a core essence within each individual, known as the "Self." This Self, characterized by qualities like compassion, curiosity, and clarity, remains unscathed by life experiences and can serve as a healing entity within the psyche.

The aim of IFS is to facilitate access to these parts at a subconscious level, enabling us to unburden them and heal our internal system. Through this process, we can clear obstacles blocking our paths, promote internal harmony, and move forward in consciously creating a life that aligns with our truest desires and potentials.

Is IFS right for me?

IFS may be a powerful tool for anyone who:

  • Has an awareness of their behaviors, responses, or ways of being, but who doesn’t know how to change them

  • Wants to learn how to truly love themselves, but isn’t really sure what that means or how to do it

  • Wants to learn how to self-validate, rather than looking for approval from external sources

  • Is experiencing interpersonal relationship issues and wants to improve communication, understanding, and empathy in relationships

  • Anyone struggling with addictive behaviors and who is looking to address the underlying pain or trauma that often fuels addictive behaviors

  • Is interested in understanding their inner world more deeply


Want to learn more?

IFS Therapist and Author Derek Scott explains IFS.

IFS Founder, Dick Schwartz, explains more about this powerful healing modality.

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Jack Kornfield