Hi, I’m Alexis

And I’m so grateful to be here with you.

I never meant to set out on this path - quite the opposite. In fact, I had big plans to become the President of the World Bank one day. Life, however, had a different plan for me. As they say, “life on life’s terms.”

At 26, I had finished my masters at one of the top International Relations schools in the world, I had my dream job and a great relationship. I was also anorexic, depressed and feeling completely lost

Here I was, with what looked like a great life from the outside, and yet something was so, so off. It wasn’t working. I had everything I had been taught to want my whole life - and it wasn’t enough. The problem was, I didn’t have a clue as to what would be enough. I was craving something without even knowing what it was.

Today, I know that what I was longing for was a home inside of myself - a place so deep, so untouched and untouchable by the outer world.  I was craving the divinity that lived inside of me - that lives inside each of us.  I was craving to know myself and the world in a way that I hadn’t even been taught to want, let alone do.

I realize now that what felt like the breakdown I was experiencing at 26 was actually the beginning of a completely different way of life, one lived from the inside out

I found this home inside of myself through a deep dive into the ancient practices that for thousands of years have offered us the key to self-mastery and internal freedom.  For me, these practices included yoga (asana, pranayama & meditation), yoga nidra, life coaching & therapy, plant medicine, and more. During this time, I did over 1,000 hours of training in the styles of Traditional Tantric Hatha, Dharma, Vinyasa, Yin and Yoga Nidra, as well as became certified as a Psychedelic Integration Coach, IFS Practitioner, Addiction Recovery Coach, Life Coach, and a Holistic Health Coach. 

My life is now dedicated to helping others along their own personal journeys. The teachings & tools I learned along the way have deeply changed my life in a way that helps me to live better while I’m here, and my heartfelt mission is to use them to help others do the same.